Happy International Women’s Day

This month of March we celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March !! This is a day when first women started fighting for their own rights and equality.

Today we have come long way. Women are working almost in every area and also achieving hights of success.

At the same time, women’s life style has changed to a large extent and has become quite challenging. Today’s working women as well as home makers are doing much more multi tasking. They do lot of work, they try for best performance at work place. Even a home maker has to look after many things in the house. She is taking care of children, their education and careers.

Covid-19 changed face of the world. It has made lot of changes in everybody’s life. WFH –Work from home culture got inculcated in last 2 years. With some advantages, it also has put lots of pressure on women because they have to look after the house and work for office as well. Since there is no dedicated office cabin/cubicle, office timings the rhythm of work got affected.

On the top of that, wife, mother is at home only ! This feeling has given a pleasant feeling to all family members but it has become little taxing for the women too. They are not getting their Me time.

Also, in this 2 years there has been lot of cutting down on jobs, cutting down on salaries which has led to another stress and  uncertainity   for many women. That has led to another perspective, that many women started their own small enterprise or occupations. Some are providing good tiffins, some are doing best  birthday cakes and peastries so on and so forth…Yes ! This has given a very good dimension to their life !

Finding way through every odds of life is in genes of a women. She never gives up ! She never gets bock down ! Always fly to new hights !!

In this difficult way of life, every woman should take care of her health. Every woman should remember that if your health and fitness is good you can work a lot and so you can earn a lot !

Before dreaming for anything else dream for health, think of health and try for health !!!

On every walks of life and different phases of age every woman faces different health problems. She should not ignore it. To address your health issue immediately after you notice it, is very important.” “One stich in time saves further nine.

Ojas Ayurved centre has been working in the area of women health for last 27 years. Feel free to contact us for any of your problems like any health issues, menstrual problems, menopause or infertility… we are here to help you !


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