Welcome to Ojas Ayurved
Entering 2024, Ojas Ayurved celebrates 29 years! Our treatments exclusively use our own top-notch, quality-manufactured products, ensuring you receive the finest care with confidence.

Panchakarma Treatments
Ojas Panchakarma Treatments is completely dedicated to Panchakarma, these treatments are very benificial as they are cost effective and has two wings as Disease Treatments and Healthcare Treatments

Women Health Clinic
Women and men just aren't the same, particularly when it comes to their health risks. Woman health means the health problems related with her menstrual cycle or health issues which have arisen basically due to disturbed menstruation which includes Women's Health Issues.

Garbha Sanskar
Your baby is too close to your heart..so is for us. Take personal Garbha Sanskar Treatment. It is specially customised for you!

Ayurveda Treatments
Ayurveda is a scientific medical science. It very specifically deals with "Health" . It also deals with various disorders and treats them completely. There should be utmost efforts in avoidance of disease is the first principal of Ayurveda. So obviously it guides us in a very simple way to health.

Ayurvedic doctor, Dr Sarita Vaidya (M. D. Ayurveda), is the recipient of 'Vagbhat Grantha Puraskar' by International Ayurved Association. She is the founder of Ojas Ayurvedic Center. She is probably the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Pune having more than 28 years of purely Ayurvedic Treatment and Medicines Practice Experince. Dr. Sarita Vaidya is the founder of Ojas Ayurvedic Centre.

What is Ojas Ayurved?
Ojas Ayurved is an Ayurvedic Clinic that offers Ayurvedic Treatment and Ayurvedic Medicines for diseases including Hair Loss, Weight Loss, Cough, Piles, Diabetes, Thyroid, Arthritis, Infertility, Hair Fall, Acidity, Kidney Stone, Fever, Constipation etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment and Ayurvedic Medicines for Diseases
The 3 Doshas of Ayurvedic Medicines
By helping to balance the three Doshas — not letting one type become overly dominant and another to become ignored — handling stress, following a healthy diet, dealing with change and maintaining relationships are all expected to be easier.
Vata energy is often said to be like the wind. It’s primarily in charge of mobility, motion, circulation, breathing and other essential body functions. Vata types are known to be creative and energetic when they’re in balance but fearful, stressed and “scatter-brained” when they’re not. Physically, vata types are usually on the thin side, have smaller bones and tend not to put on weight easily. They also might be cold a lot of the time, have a delicate digestive system and have dry, sensitive skin.
Pitta is the energy force that governs most metabolic activity, including digestion, absorption of nutrients, body temperature and energy expenditure. Pitta types tend to be smart, hard-working and driven (even competitive) when in balance but can be overly angry and aggressive when they’re not. They tend to have a medium build, be athletic and are versatile in terms of putting on weight or muscle.
Kapha controls growth in the body and is considered the nourishing dosha. It supplies moisturize to the cells and organs and helps keep a strong immune system. Kaphas are known for being grounded, supportive, loving and forgiving when in balance — almost like a motherly type. However, they can also be lazy, insecure, envious and sad when they’re not in balance.

What is Ayurvedic Medicine ?
Ayurvedic Medicine is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. Globalized and modernized practices derived from Ayurveda traditions are a type of complementary or alternative medicine. In countries beyond India, Ayurveda therapies and practices have been integrated in general wellness applications and in some cases in medical use.

Dr Sarita Vaidya
Dr. Sarita Vaidya (M. D. Ayurveda), is the recipient of ‘Vagbhat Grantha Puraskar’ by the International Ayurved Association. She is having more than 28 years of purely Ayurvedic Treatment and Medicines Practice Experience
World Class Facilities
Located at the center of the Pune City in India, Ojas clinic is fully equipped with the modern setup to treat you with utmost care and quality products, additionally all our products are manufactured by us only by selecting quality ingredients only

Bone and Joints Care in Old Age

Cardiovascular Disease And Ayurveda

Ayurveda Tips for Healthy Life

Sudden Weather Change Symptoms: How Ayurveda Can Help with Headaches, Fatigue, Allergies, and Sore Throats

Women’s Health 40 years old

Ojas Ayurveda completes 28 years of service

How to take care of your skin naturally – Ayurvedic Way

पावसाळ्यात आरोग्याची काळजी

पावसाळा आणि आहार | पावसाळ्यात आहार कसा असावा

कलिंगड खाण्याचे फायदे | कलिंगड खाण्याचे फायदे सांगा | Watermelon Fruit
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Treat yourself from the very best
Ojas Ayurved offers you the best of Ayurvedic Treatments and medicinal massages at their wellbeing center. A vast experienced doctor and therapists ensure the highest levels in the quality of treatment and medicinal preparations.
Working hours
Monday - Saturday (Morning): 09:00-02:00 IST
Monday - Saturday (Evening): 05:00-08:30 IST
We are here
5, Upendra - 1 Society, Opp. Hotel Nisarg,
Padalkar Hospital Lane, Nal - Stop
Pune - 411 004, INDIA
Phone:+91 9890143920
Phone:+91 20 82370 38169
Email: info@ojasayurved.com